Movie Film Transfer
We offer several formats and transfer options to convert your home movies.
We transfer 8mm, Super8, and 16mm film. We can do silent or sound, B&W or Color, and even Color Negative!
We also offer conversion of old Polaroid Polavasion film cassettes, Magi-Cartridges, and even Sound Movie Cartridges!
Our Transfer method is Aerial Frame-by-Frame- the most advanced method of converting film currently offered.
In addition, you can choose to have your film transferred in High Definition (HD) or Standard Definition (SD) resolution and have them burnt to DVD, Hard Disk Drive (customer supplied) or Blu-Ray media.
Bulk discounts are offered and FREE Return Shipping on orders over $250. Please review all the purchase options below to decide what you need.
If you have other questions, drop us a note through our 'CONTACT US' Page or Give us a Ring at 404-273-4814